Our Programmes
All Loving for Life programmes are facilitated by a team of trained facilitators who recognise the goodness and dignity of each young person, who, while not usurping the role of parents/caregivers, seek to reinforce the beauty of God’s plan for each of us.
Loving for Life Modules
Parent / Caregiver & Child
Student / In Class
Loving for Life programmes are:
Built on a Christian Vision of each person as taonga
Precious and made in the image of God in all aspects of their Hauora – Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical.
Promote a young person’s relationship with their parents and whānau
We support parents as the most effective educators about love, sex and relationships by introducing topics in an age appropriate way.
About leading, not preaching
Our activities, grounded in the best medical practice, break open the information and tools rangatahi need to make life giving choices.
Presented Authentically
By well trained facilitators who understand the importance of Christian wisdom in love and sexuality.
Growing &
Beginning Adolescence.
A parent / child evening for 9 – 11 years olds.
A parent / child evening for 11 – 13 years olds.
Learning to
Beginning Adolescence.
Full day programme for 11 – 13 years olds.
Who we
Health Identity
Full day programme for 12 – 13 years olds.
to Love
Relationships and Sexuality.
Full day / in class for 13 – 15 years olds.
Relationships and Sexuality.
Full day / in class for 14 – 16 years olds.
Relationships and Sexuality.
Full day / in class for 15 – 18 years olds.