Growing &
Holistic adolescence programme for 9 – 11 year olds and their parents / caregivers.
Growing &
Growing & Changing is about accompanying your child at the start of adolescence.
Age Range:
Yrs 5 – 6 (9 – 11 years old)
Programme Length:
One 120 minute session (inc. a meal)
Programme Delivery
Our facilitators break open discussion between parents/caregivers and their children in a warm and positive atmosphere. The programme is designed to be run as separate Mother/Daughter and Father/Son sessions.
Kuapapa / Topics covered include:
Beginning the Journey: Setting goals together
The Miracle of Life: Our first journey from conception till birth
The Gift of Aroha: Learning to love our whānau, friends and God
Whānaungatanga – Friendships: Learning to love our whānau, friends and God
Adolescence: Changing from childhood to adulthood
Puberty: Growing and changing toward the gift of fertility
Married Love: Starting a new family
Loving Now: Showing aroha everyday